
Magento 2 Plugin - idealo Direktkauf

Hinweis: Wir haben den Vertrieb und die Entwicklung dieses Plugin eingestellt.
Sollten Sie eine gültige Lizenz besitzen und möchten mit einem Support-Anliegen an uns herantreten, dann nutzen Sie bitte unser Kontaktfomular. (private)



  1. Download the latest release.
  2. Unzip the files in a folder.
  3. Transfer the folder (only one, named 'app') to the Magento2 installation folder on your server.
  4. Connect to the command line terminal and run the following commands, in the magento2 installation directory:
php bin/magento module:enable -c Idealo_Direktkauf
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento cache:clean

Activate the scheduled tasks

On your Magento system, some jobs have to be triggered regularly to maintain the shop. You should already have two jobs set up in the scheduled tasks manager (crontab on Linux systems):

* * * * * php <path to magento2 shop>/update/cron.php &
* * * * * php <path to magento2 shop>/bin/magento setup:cron:run &

They run every minute. Idealo Direktkauf plugin requires one more job to run, in order to execute import and export tasks.
To do so, add this line in your crontab (adapt if not on linux system).

* * * * * php <path to magento2 shop>/bin/magento cron:run --group="idealo_direktkauf_cronjobs"

Magento has its own scheduled tasks. This job will just check every minute if import/export task must be planned according to the settings in the file app/code/Idealo/Direktkauf/etc/crontab.xml.



  1. 'Aktiv'
    Activate or deactivate the plugin.
  2. 'Modus'
    Here, you can configure the test or live mode.
  3. 'Authentifizierungs-Token'
    You can get your auth-tokens from your idealo account manager.
  4. 'Error-Email-Adresse'
    This is the email-address the plugin sends error messages to.
  5. 'Als Stornierungsgrund übermittelter Wert'
    Select a default value that is transmitted to idealo in case of a cancellation. You can set an individual value per canceled order to overwrite the default.
  6. 'Logging aktiv'
    If logging is activated, the plugin writes var/log/idealo_direktkauf.log.
  7. 'Multistore Modus'
    Multistore mode disabled: Everything is imported into the standard store. Multistore mode active: The import must be configured correctly for each store view.
  8. 'Bestell-Import Grenze'
    Max amount of orders imported in one script-call. A good value for testing purposes would be 3, for live mode 100. Leave empty for unlimited import.


  1. 'Import-Bestellstatus'
    The status of imported idealo orders.
  2. 'Zahlarten Zuweisung'
    Here, you can assign your shop payment methods to the idealo Checkout payment methods.
  3. 'Lieferoptionen Zuweisung'
    Here, you can assign the shipping methods from your shop to the idealo Checkout shipping methods.

'Konfiguration prüfen'

  1. 'Status'
    The status of your idealo Checkout plugin configuration.
  2. 'Versionen'
    Shows the installed PHP, Magento and plugin version.


  1. 'Bestell-import'
    Test order import from idealo Checkout.
  2. 'Status-Export'
    Test status export from Magento to idealo Checkout.

About multi stores

Multi-store mode allows to specify which stores are included in the Idealo order import. We can distinguish two main situations :

1) Multi-store mode OFF

Only the default store of the main website will be included into the import.

Configuration :

2) Multi-store mode Activated

Several stores can participate in the import. Therefore they must be configured individually.

Configuration :

Disable / Uninstall

Disabling the plugin, instead of removing it, allows restore the feature faster later
To disable the plugin, connect to the command line terminal and run the following commands, in the magento2 installation directory:

php bin/magento module:disable -c Idealo_Direktkauf
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento cache:clean

To completely remove the plugin :

Disable/Remove the scheduled task

Normally the plugin has an attached scheduled task, in the crontab (or similar scheduler). When removing the plugin, this job should be removed as well.
Edit your crontab or open the scheduled task manager and remove the line containing

php <path to magento2 shop>/bin/magento cron:run --group="idealo_direktkauf_cronjobs"


How can I set an individual revocation reason per canceled order?
After you canceled an order, a dropdown appears in the idealo Direktkauf tab of the order in Magento Backend. You can either choose „Kunden-Wiederruf“, „Retoure“ or „Vom Händler abgelehnt“.

Why are the table headers broken ? (orders page, catalog page …).
An Apache mod is known to break some Magento mechanism during inclusion of javascript files (Mod_Pagespeed). If this mod is enabled on your server, then you must follow thoses steps to exclude admin pages from the mod's scope :

  1. Edit .htaccess file in your Magento 2 root folder
  2. Add the following lines at the end of the file :
  ModPagespeedDisallow "*/admin/*" <- this should match the unique admin url you chose during Magento installation, the one that leads to Admin section
  ModPagespeedDisallow "*/backend/*"
  ModPagespeedDisallow "*/adminhtml/*"

Why do I get „Please specify a shipping method.“ error during import ?
The process is trying to simulate the order to trigger the events normally associated to a real order. However, the shipping address validation failed.
The two most likely reasons are :

The chosen shipping method can stay in configuration, the process just needs a temporary simple shipping method to proceed, then it turns back to the chosen method.


Sollten Sie Hilfe von FATCHIP benötigen, schicken Sie bitte eine detaillierte Fehlerbeschreibung inkl. Plugin- und Shopversion an
If you need any assistance, please contact our support via and submit a detailed description of the error including plugin and shop version.