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public:faqmagento1idealo [2017/11/03 23:47]
hendrikbahr [Configuration]
public:faqmagento1idealo [2024/04/03 14:40]
josefineleuschner [Magento 1 Plugin - idealo Direktkauf]
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-====== Magento 1 idealo Direktkauf ======+====== Magento 1 Plugin - idealo Direktkauf ====== 
 +:​!:​**Hinweis:​** Wir haben den Vertrieb und die Entwicklung dieses Plugin zum 31.12.2018 eingestellt. \\ Sollten Sie eine gültige Lizenz besitzen und möchten mit einem Support-Anliegen an uns herantreten,​ dann nutzen Sie bitte unser [[https://​​kontakt/​|Kontaktfomular]]. 
 https://​​Plugins/​Magento/​Magento-1-idealo-Direktkauf.html \\ https://​​Plugins/​Magento/​Magento-1-idealo-Direktkauf.html \\
Zeile 14: Zeile 18:
 ===== Installation ===== ===== Installation =====
-**Do NOT use Magento Connect to install the plugin. We are working on to make this possible ​in one of the next releases.**+==== 1) Installing the plugin files ==== 
 +  ​First follow the steps **A** (use method B only in case of error). 
 +  ​Then apply **'2) Post installation actions'​**.
-  ​Unzip the package +=== A) With Magento Connect === 
-  - Transfer ​the folders ​//app//, //js// and //lib// into your shop root + 
-  ​Go to //System ​-> Cache management//+**Requirement:​** The Magento installation must be clean of previous Idealo Direktkauf plugin installations. 
-  ​Clear the cache on the button ​//Flush Cache Storage//\\ {{:​public:​faq:​fc_magento_idealo_plugin_01.png?​nolink&​600|}} +If not, please follow "​Uninstall the plugin" ​--> 2) Manually 
-  ​Log out from the Magento admin panel and log in again. + 
-  ​Configure the plugin under //System ​-> Configuration ​-> Idealo Direktkauf//. (see Configuration section below for further details) +  - Log in into Magento Connect Manager. 
-  ​You can adjust the schedule for running imports and exports in ''​app/​code/​community/​Idealo/​Direktkauf/​etc/​config.xml'' ​(flush Cache storage after modifying). +  - In the section **Direct ​package ​file upload**, click on button '​Browse...'​. 
-  ​Make sure a minutely cronjob is set up in your magento installation to ''​cron.php'' ​so the configured jobs will be executed.+  - Select ​the plugin archive file in **TGZ FORMAT !!** (for exemple '​idealoDirektkauf-MAGENTO1_v1.2.7.tgz'​). 
 +  - Click on button '//Upload//' to start installation. 
 +=== B) Manually (alternative only in case method A fails) === 
 +  - Unzip the package. 
 +  - Transfer the folders app, js and lib into your shop root. 
 +==== 2) Post installation actions ​ ==== 
 +  * Connect to admin area. 
 +  * Go to System ​→ Cache management. 
 +  ​Clear the cache on the button Flush Cache Storage. 
 +  ​Log out from the Magento admin panel and log in again. 
 +  ​Configure the plugin under System ​→ Configuration ​→ Idealo Direktkauf. (see Configuration section below for further details) 
 +  ​You can adjust the schedule for running imports and exports in app/​code/​community/​Idealo/​Direktkauf/​etc/​config.xml (flush Cache storage after modifying). 
 +  ​Make sure a minutely cronjob is set up in your magento installation to cron.php so the configured jobs will be executed.
 ===== Configuration ===== ===== Configuration =====
Zeile 37: Zeile 58:
   - **'​Logging aktiv'​** \\ If logging is activated, the plugin writes ''​var/​log/​idealo_direktkauf.log''​. \\   - **'​Logging aktiv'​** \\ If logging is activated, the plugin writes ''​var/​log/​idealo_direktkauf.log''​. \\
   - **'​Multistore Modus'​** \\ Multistore mode disabled: Everything is imported into the standard store. Multistore mode active: The import must be configured correctly for each store view. \\   - **'​Multistore Modus'​** \\ Multistore mode disabled: Everything is imported into the standard store. Multistore mode active: The import must be configured correctly for each store view. \\
-  - **'​Bestell-Import Grenze'​** \\ Max amount of orders imported in one script-call. A good value for testing purposes would be //3//, for live mode //100//. \\+  - **'​Bestell-Import Grenze'​** \\ Max amount of orders imported in one script-call. A good value for testing purposes would be //3//, for live mode //100//. Leave empty for unlimited import. \\
 === '​Zuweisungen'​ === === '​Zuweisungen'​ ===
Zeile 58: Zeile 79:
   - **'​Status-Export'​** \\ Test status export from Magento to idealo Checkout. \\   - **'​Status-Export'​** \\ Test status export from Magento to idealo Checkout. \\
-===== FAQs =====+==== About multi stores ​====
 +**//Case 1//**
 +With Magento, different shop systems are administered. However, only one shop participates in idealo Checkout. This would be the standard shop (main website).\\ **Note:** As long as the multi-store mode is off, only one store is taken in account (the default one) 
 +\\ {{:​public:​bild1.png?​600|}}\\
 +  - **Carry out all settings in the standard configuration.** \\ The main settings: \\ Aktiv = „Ja“ \\ Authentication token = „Token des Händlers“ \\ Multi store mode = „Nein“ \\ Mode = „Live“ for live or „Test“ for the sand box \\ {{:​public:​bild2.png?​600|}} \\ \\ 
 +  - Carry out all settings from step 1 (incl. token) in the main website store for each shop view. In the above mentioned example, the shop views would be „English“,​ „German“ and „Store 5“. \\ {{:​public:​bild3b.png?​200|}} \\ {{:​public:​bild3.png?​600|}} \\ \\ 
 +  - Regarding all other shops, the setting "​Aktiv"​ can be set to "​Nein"​ for each view, but it is **not mandatory if multi-store mode is off**.
 +**//Case 2//**
 +With Magento, different shop systems are administered and more than one participate in idealo Checkout. \\
 +  - Carry out settings as mentioned in Case 1. Only choose Multi store mode = "​Ja"​
 +  - Activate the respective shops in the configuration (Aktiv = „Ja“) \\ Each shop receives an individual token which needs to be stored in each shop. \\ **Important**:​ this setting (Token and Aktiv = „Ja“) has to be repeated in __each__ shop view of the shop.
 +===== Uninstall the plugin =====
 +==== 1) With Magento Connect ====
 +  * Log in into Magento Connect Manager.
 +  * In the section **Manage Existing Extensions**,​ locate the plugin installation line.
 +  * Select **Uninstall** in the dropdown.
 +  * Click on button '//​Commit Changes//'​ to apply.
 +  * Go back to admin area.
 +  * Go to System → Cache management.
 +  * Clear the cache on the button Flush Cache Storage.
 +  * Log out from the Magento admin panel and log in again.
 +==== 2) Manually ====
 +To remove manually the plugin, installed manually or not, please follow these steps :
 +== In Magento ROOT folder ==
 +  * Remove folder **app/​code/​community/​Idealo**.
 +  * Remove file **app/​design/​adminhtml/​default/​default/​layout/​idealo.xml**.
 +  * Remove folder **app/​design/​adminhtml/​default/​default/​template/​idealo**.
 +  * Remove file **app/​etc/​modules/​Idealo_Direktkauf.xml**.
 +  * Remove file **app/​locale/​de_DE/​Idealo_Direktkauf.csv**.
 +  * Remove file **app/​locale/​en_US/​Idealo_Direktkauf.csv**.
 +  * Remove folder **js/​idealo**.
 +  * Remove folder **lib/​idealo**.
 +== In Magento DATABASE ==
 +  * SQL : **DELETE FROM core_resource WHERE code = '​idealo_direktkauf_setup';​**
 +=== Equivalent Linux command lines ===
 +The previous operations can be achieved in command line in linux shell: ​
 +  cd <Magento root folder>
 +  rm -rf app/​code/​community/​Idealo
 +  rm -f app/​design/​adminhtml/​default/​default/​layout/​idealo.xml
 +  rm -rf app/​design/​adminhtml/​default/​default/​template/​idealo
 +  rm -f app/​etc/​modules/​Idealo_Direktkauf.xml
 +  rm -f app/​locale/​de_DE/​Idealo_Direktkauf.csv
 +  rm -f app/​locale/​en_US/​Idealo_Direktkauf.csv
 +  rm -rf js/idealo
 +  rm -rf lib/idealo
 +  mysql -u {PLACE DB_USER} -h {PLACE DB_HOST} -p'​{PLACE DB_PASS}'​ -e "​DELETE FROM core_resource WHERE code = '​idealo_direktkauf_setup';"​ {PLACE DB_NAME}
 +===== FAQs =====
 +== How can I set an individual revokation reason per canceled order? ==
 +After having canceled an order, a dropdown appears in the idealo Direktkauf - Box in the information - tab of the order in the Magento backend. You can either choose "​Kunden-Widerruf",​ "​Retoure"​ or "Vom Händler abgelehnt"​.
 ===== Support ===== ===== Support =====
-Sollten Sie Hilfe von FATCHIP benötigen, schicken Sie bitte eine detaillierte Fehlerbeschreibung inkl. Plugin- und Shopversion an //​​.+Sollten Sie Hilfe von FATCHIP benötigen, schicken Sie bitte eine detaillierte Fehlerbeschreibung inkl. Plugin- und Shopversion an //​​.\\ 
 +If you need any assistance, please contact our support via //​​ and submit a detailed description of the error including plugin and shop version.
public/faqmagento1idealo.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/04/03 14:45 von josefineleuschner