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public:faqoxid2mollie [2020/02/27 12:01]
ruedigerhaegele [Usage]
public:faqoxid2mollie [2020/04/28 13:39]
markusmichalski [Installation]
Zeile 3: Zeile 3:
 ====Requirements==== ====Requirements====
-  ​*  ​Oxid eShop Version 6 or above +  ​Oxid eShop Version 6 or above 
-  ​ +  ​Mollie Account ( 
-  *  ​Mollie Account ( +  - FTP access to your shop system 
 +  - For OXID versions from 6.2. you need SSH access to the shop installation.
 ====Installation==== ====Installation====
Zeile 22: Zeile 22:
   },   },
-  ​ 
-Open a command-line on your webserver and execute the following command to regenerate the autoloader-files:​ 
-''​vendor/​bin/​composer dump-autoload''​+  * Open a command-line on your webserver and execute the following command to regenerate the autoloader-files:​
-Login to the OXID-admin of your shop and see the module "​Mollie Payment"​ in the list of modules at //​Extensions -> Modules//+  vendor/​bin/​composer dump-autoload 
 +  * **In OXID versions from 6.2 on (older versions can skip this step)** you must now import the module configuration. To do this, log in via SSH to the server on which the shop installation is located and navigate to the directory in which the source and vendor folders are located. Execute the following command:  
 +  ./​vendor/​bin/​oe-console oe:​module:​install-configuration source/​modules/​mollie/​molliepayment/​  
 +You should then receive the message Module configuration has been installed. 
 +  * Login to the OXID-admin of your shop and see the module "​Mollie Payment"​ in the list of modules at //​Extensions -> Modules//
 {{:​public:​mollie_aktivieren.png?​400|}} {{:​public:​mollie_aktivieren.png?​400|}}
-Click on "​activate"​ in case you find the module still being deactivated.+  * Click on "​activate"​ in case you find the module still being deactivated.
 ====Configuration==== ====Configuration====
 The configuration options of the Mollie Payment module are available in the OXID-admin here: //​Extensions -> Modules -> Mollie Payment -> tab "​Settings"//​ The configuration options of the Mollie Payment module are available in the OXID-admin here: //​Extensions -> Modules -> Mollie Payment -> tab "​Settings"//​
Zeile 38: Zeile 44:
 {{:​public:​mollie_konfiguration.png?​400|}} {{:​public:​mollie_konfiguration.png?​400|}}
-|**configuration option**|**description**| +|no.|**configuration option**|**description**| 
-|"​Mode":​ "​Test"​ or "​Live"​|choose if you're still testing or already run the shop live / in production-mode| +|1|"​Mode":​ "​Test"​ or "​Live"​|choose if you're still testing or already run the shop live / in production-mode| 
-|"Test API Key"​|paste here the "Test API Key" you can find in your Mollie account| +|2|"Test API Key"​|paste here the "Test API Key" you can find in your Mollie account| 
-|"Live API Key"​|paste here the "Live API Key" you can find in your Mollie account|  +|3|"Live API Key"​|paste here the "Live API Key" you can find in your Mollie account|  
-|"Log result of transaction handling"​|choose to log the result of transactions being performed| +|4|"Log result of transaction handling"​|choose to log the result of transactions being performed| 
-|"​Remove deactivated payment types"​|choose not to display payment types which haven'​t been activated in the Mollie account| +|5|"​Remove deactivated payment types"​|choose not to display payment types which haven'​t been activated in the Mollie account| 
-|"Show icons"​|display the icons of the payment types| +|6|"Show icons"​|display the icons of the payment types| 
-|"​Status Pending"​|set the order-status before the customer gets redirected to the payment-gateway| +|7|"​Status Pending"​|set the order-status before the customer gets redirected to the payment-gateway| 
-|"​Status Processing"​|set the order-status for completed payments|+|8|"​Status Processing"​|set the order-status for completed payments|
Zeile 58: Zeile 65:
 As soon as the payment-types are correctly configured in your Mollie Account and the OXID-Admin they are available in the checkout of your online-shop. As soon as the payment-types are correctly configured in your Mollie Account and the OXID-Admin they are available in the checkout of your online-shop.
-====Aktivierung von Mollie Components ​für Kreditkarte==== +====Activation of Mollie Components ​for credit card====
-Damit Kunden das Kreditkarten-Formular direkt in Ihrem Shop ausfüllen können, müssen Sie in der Konfiguration der Zahlart Credit Card die Option+
-Kreditkarten-Daten auf "​Eingabe im Checkout über Iframe Formular-Felder" ​stellen:+To allow the customers to enter their credit card data without leaving your online-shop you have to  
 +  * select the payment-type "​Credit Card"​ 
 +  * choose from the selectbox "​Creditcard data": ​"Input in shop checkout with iframe form inputs"​.
 {{:​public:​molliecreditcardcomponents.png?​400|}} {{:​public:​molliecreditcardcomponents.png?​400|}}
 ====FAQ==== ====FAQ====
 +===1. Where can I see orders in the backend?===
 +  - Login to the OXID-Admin.
 +  - Click on the elements as shown in the screenshot below to
 +    - Open the menu “Administer Orders”
 +    - Select the menu entry “Orders”
 +    - Select a specific order
 +    - See the tab “Overview” (opened by default)
 +    - See the tab “Main” a.s.o.
 +===2. Where can I see refunds in the backend?===
 +  - Login to the OXID-Admin.
 +  - Click on the elements as shown in the screenshot below to
 +    - Open the menu “Administer Orders”
 +    - Select the menu entry “Orders”
 +    - Select a specific order
 +    - See the tab “Mollie”,​ here the refund-functions are provided.
 +===3. Where can I see shipping information/​ship items in the backend?===
 +In Question 1. and already described how to get in the OXID-Admin to the place where information about an order can be found. The tabs (numbered with 4 to 10) mentioned in question 1. will be described one by another below.
 +  - Overview gives a general overview to the order. ​
 +    - To whom? 
 +    - What? 
 +    - Price / sum calculation
 +    - Status of payment and shipment
 +    - Information for internal organization
 +    - Shop-wide overview
 +    - Shipping-information / setting /sending
 +  - Main gives a deeper look at
 +    - Order/​Invoice-number
 +    - Payment
 +    - Shipping
 +  - Addresses shows
 +    - Invoice-address
 +    - Shipping-address
 +  - Products shows
 +    - an editable list of the ordered products
 +    - a calculation / sum for this order
 +  - History is of no real use and can be safely ignored
 +  - Downloads shows information about download-products contained in this order.
 +  - Mollie (see question 2.) allows the admin to
 +    - perform a full refund of the whole order-sum or
 +    - to perform a partial refund on order-position-base
 +===4. Where can I find the settings of the Mollie plugin?===
 +  - Login to the OXID-Admin.
 +  - Click on the elements as shown in the screenshot below to
 +    - Open the menu “Extensions”
 +    - Select the menu entry “Modules”
 +    - Choose “Mollie Payments”
 +    - Click on the tab “Settings”
 +    - Click on “Basic configuration” to get the settings displayed
 +===5. What settings are possible within the backend?===
 +See the question 4. to get to the settings for the Mollie Payment module.
 +^No. ^configuration-option ^description ^
 +|1|„Mode“:​ „Test“ or „Live“|choose if you're still testing or already run the shop live / in production-mode|
 +|2|„Test API Key“|paste here the „Test API Key“ you can find in your Mollie account|
 +|3|„Live API Key“|paste here the „Live API Key“ you can find in your Mollie account|
 +|4|„Log result of transaction handling“|choose to log the result of transactions being performed|
 +|5|„Remove deactivated payment types“|choose not to display payment types which haven'​t been activated in the Mollie account|
 +|6|„Show icons“|display the icons of the payment types|
 +|7|„Status Pending“|set the order-status before the customer gets redirected to the payment-gateway|
 +|8|„Status Processing“|set the order-status for completed payments|
 +===6. Where can I find the logs?===
 +There is a logging accessible for technically enabled users which have access to the MySQL-database of the shop. These can access the table “mollierequestlog” and read the request / response logging being written there.
 +=== 7. What are the basic things to check while debugging?​===
 +  - Try to reproduce the problem in the demo-shop, i.e. go to https://​,​ currently you find here
 +    - https://​​ respectively
 +    - https://​​admin and try out if the problem exists here, too.
 +  - Check the configuration and settings (see question 4 above). Make sure the “Live API Key” is the one the client/​merchant is supposed to use.
 +  - If you’re technically able: Check the table “mollierequestlog” (see qestion 6 above)in the database for helpful information.
 +  - If you don't get the problem solved yourself feel free to contact
 +=== 8. What are the installation instructions?​===
 +  - Change to the directory „source/​modules“ in your OXID eShop installation and create the directory „mollie“.
 +  - In this directory create a sub-directory „molliepayment“ and change to it. You find yourself in the path „source/​modules/​mollie/​molliepayment“ now.
 +  - Use a Git or SVN client to check out the module-files or download the ZIP-file https://​​mollie/​mollie-oxid/​archive/​ and extract its content to this directory.
 +  - Open the file composer.json in the root-directory of your shop and add this autoload-configuration or add/​complete an existing configuration with the following:
 +    <​code>​
 +"​autoload":​ {
 +  "​psr-4":​ {
 +    "​Mollie\\Payment\\":​ "​./​source/​modules/​mollie/​molliepayment"​
 +  },
 +  "​files":​ ["​./​source/​modules/​mollie/​molliepayment/​lib/​mollie-api-php/​vendor/​autoload.php"​]
 +  - Open a command-line on your webserver and execute the following command to regenerate the autoloader-files:​ vendor/​bin/​composer dump-autoload
 +  - Login to the OXID-admin of your shop and see the module „Mollie Payment“ in the list of modules at Extensions → Modules and click on „activate“ in case you find the module still being deactivated.
 +===9. What are the update instructions?​===
 +  - Make a backup of all the shop files. Do not proceed before a complete backup is created and stored locally.
 +  - See the installation instructions in question 8. 
 +  - Copy the files being addressed in 8.3. to their destination and overwrite the existing files with the new ones.
 +  - See 8.6.: Go to the OXID-Admin and click the button “Deactivate” and after it changed to “Activate” click it again.
 +  - Check the settings and configuration in the OXID-Admin.
 +  - Test the Mollie Payment in the frontend, i.e. perform a test-order for each activated Mollie payment-method.
 ====Support==== ====Support====
public/faqoxid2mollie.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2021/04/01 14:06 von markusmichalski