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Magento 1 idealo Direktkauf


  • Magento 1.x
  • libcurl installed on your server
  • A merchant-account with idealo


  1. Unzip the package
  2. Transfer the folders app, js and lib into your shop root
  3. Go to System → Cache management.
  4. Clear the cache on the button Flush Cache Storage.
  5. Log out from the Magento admin panel and log in again.
  6. Configure the module under System → Configuration → Idealo Direktkauf. (see Configuration section below for further details)
  7. You can adjust the schedule for running imports and exports in app/code/community/Idealo/Direktkauf/etc/config.xml (flush Cache storage after modifying).
  8. Make sure a minutely cronjob is set up in your magento installation to cron.php so the configured jobs are executed.



  1. Aktiv
    Activate or deactivate the plugin.
  2. Modus
    Here you can configure the test or live mode.
  3. Authentifizierungs-Token
    You can get your auth-tokens from your idealo account manager.
  4. Error-Email-Adresse
    This is the email-address the plugin sends errormessage to.
  5. Als Stornierungsgrund übermittelter Wert
    Select a value that is transmitted to idealo in the case of cancellations.
  6. Logging aktiv
    If logging is activated the plugin writes var/log/idealo_direktkauf.log.
  7. Multistore Modus
    Multistore mode disabled: Everything is imported into the standard store. Multistore mode active: The import must be configured correctly for each store view.
  8. Bestell-Import Grenze
    Max amount of orders imported in one script-call. A good value for testing urpose would be 3, for live mode 100.


  1. Import-Bestellstatus
    The status of imported idealo orders.
  2. Zahlarten Zuweisung
    Here you can assign your shop payment methods to the idealo Checkout payment methods.
  3. Lieferoptionen Zuweisung
    Here you can assign the shipping methods from your shop to the idealo Checkout shipping methods.

Konfiguration prüfen

  1. Status
    The status of your idealo checkout plugin configuration.
  2. Versionen
    Shows the installed PHP, Magento and Plugin version.



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public/faqmagento1idealo.1509623546.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2017/11/02 12:52 von kamiarnader